Week One: By the Pond, Across the Pond
Hello everyone! I can't believe I'm sitting here waiting my first email back home as a missionary (with the exception of the email I sent my parents saying I made it to England). This week has been full of so much that I can't cover in extreme detail otherwise you wouldn't finish reading it until next week's email came through. Let's just start at the beginning of my travels and I'll walk you through my week. After a tearful goodbye in the airport on Tuesday morning, I made my way from Virginia to Atlanta and then from Atlanta to Orlando. These two flights I was basically by myself. I had some interesting conversations with some extremely nice passengers who also let me text home saying I had landed safely. I will forever be grateful for their kindness. In Orlando, I was hoping to see some other missionaries headed to the Missionary Training Center in England but I was doubtful. Heading towards my gate, I saw a whole group of missionaries! All of them ...