
Showing posts from August, 2017

Week One: By the Pond, Across the Pond

Hello everyone! I can't believe I'm sitting here waiting my first email back home as a missionary (with the exception of the email I sent my parents saying I made it to England). This week has been full of so much that I can't cover in extreme detail otherwise you wouldn't finish reading it until next week's email came through. Let's just start at the beginning of my travels and I'll walk you through my week.  After a tearful goodbye in the airport on Tuesday morning, I made my way from Virginia to Atlanta and then from Atlanta to Orlando. These two flights I was basically by myself. I had some interesting conversations with some extremely nice passengers who also let me text home saying I had landed safely. I will forever be grateful for their kindness.  In Orlando, I was hoping to see some other missionaries headed to the Missionary Training Center in England but I was doubtful. Heading towards my gate, I saw a whole group of missionaries! All of them ...

Saying Goodbye

Saying goodbye is terribly difficult. I have cried many times already and I imagine I shall cry many times more before I make it to England. In my church, you talk about serving a mission your whole life but you don't really truly talk about it. It occupies space in your mental plans for the future, but that space is filled with uncertainty. No one talks about how difficult it is to leave. And it is difficult. But, I would not be doing it if I did not believe what I do. I love my family. I love my friends. I am so grateful for your support leading up to this moment. I ask you now to continue supporting me. There are two ways you can do this. First, shoot me an email every now and then. I love keeping up with your lives and hearing what's going on. Second, watch out for my family. They are strong people but we have been through a lot, and knowing that I am not leaving them high and dry but instead encircled in the arms of trusted friends gives me great comfort. I love my Savio...