
Showing posts from September, 2017

Week 5: There are so many sheep here

Hello from Holsworthy everyone!  This week was my first full week in the field and let's just say it was an experience. I'll share some details, both spiritual and temporal, but first I wanted to start by sharing my love for you. I love you all so dearly and thank you for your support. I wanted to start off by sharing an experience. The other day this week, honestly speaking, I was having a rough day. I was having a hard time trying smile through the rejection we often face and continue forward with hope. I then remembered how many people around the world were praying for me. The thought comforted me and I prayed and asked God to help me really feel of those prayers. I did. They carried me and supported me through the rest of the day. You are all amazing and wonderfully caring individuals and I know, regardless of your faith or believe in God, that I can feel your support and it makes a difference. It really does.  This week was my first full week in the field. I h...

Week 4: Coming at You From Bideford and Holsworthy

Hello family, friends, loved ones! Sorry for the delay in emailing this week but I was a little busy HEADING OUT INTO THE FIELD! Before i get into that, ill share about my last few days in the MTC. We said goodbye to many of our friends headed to differing missions over the last few days. We also parted ways with our amazing teacher. I love him to death and am so grateful for the things he taught me. We then just tried to stay sane for the last few days in the MTC. On Tuesday, I traveled from the training center down to the England London South mission and had a two day conference. We talked about the mission rules and guidelines but also met all of the missionaries who would be training us new missionaries. How it works is each new missionary is paired with a companion who is called a trainer. This trainer does exactly what you think: trains the new missionary on how things work in the field. My trainers names is Elder Lopiano. He's from Connecticut and is a really nice guy. ...

Week 3: This is the Land that Inspired Lord of the Rings so of Course it's Beautiful

Hello everyone! So this past week would have been my last one in the MTC, however, all the mission presidents in Europe (including mine) are in a conference in Portugal, so today is my last p day in the MTC. This means that if you were planning on sending me any letters or mail, don't! Not because I don't want it but because I'll have a new address! For now, you can send it to the address below: (UPDATE: DO NOT SEND TO BELOW ADDRESS) The London Temple, West Park Road Newchapel, Surrey England RH7 6NB United Kingdom This week has been pretty great. We are in classes all of the time so that's how most of my day is occupied. However, we also are blessed with great opportunities to practice teaching in very real settings, as well as opportunities to learn about this beautiful country I am serving in. One of those opportunities took place last Thursday. We went around Preston, England to visit the sites where missionaries for the lds church first came over 150 yea...

Week 2: " You think Manchester's Beautiful?"

Hello everyone! First I wanted to start off my email by saying thank you. Thank you for your prayers and your thoughts because I have felt them. Thank you for the emails you send me with your updates about life and your encouraging words. I may not be able to respond to all of them, but I do read and cherish every single one of them. So keep sending them :-) This week was a long week. I spent many hours in classes, learning more about my role as a representative of Christ and how to effectively communicate the message of Christ's restored gospel to any and all that are open to hear it. I am learning more about myself and my abilities (as well as my faults and weaknesses) with each passing day and I continually experience humility and joy as I progress in understanding the work I am undertaking. I thought I'd give a shootout to my amazing teachers, Brother Hunter and Sister Barrett. They come from Scotland and Ireland respectively and are some of the best teachers I have eve...