Week 40: Milkshakes Bring Miracles

Hello from the other side...of the pond ;) Hey I know it is kind of lame but I had to. This one might be a little bit shorter than other ones in the past but that's because I feel like i just emailed all of you yesterday and I don't feel like there is a ton to talk about. All I have to say about thursday is meetings. Yep. That is all. Meetings. Friday we had district meeting! It went well and we went straight to Reading afterwards and had exchange there. It always feels weird to get back into a car ever since I left Holsworthy because I am so used to taking buses and trains. Anyways, the exchange was probably the weirdest exchange that I have ever been on. It wasn't because of anything I did, it was just becasue of the things that happened including: -6 double cheeseburgers from macdonalds -german doner kebabs -people calling us and actually wanting us to meet with them -vomiting drunk people -running -evening chats that revolved around anime, secrets,...