Week 49: "it's like the feeding of the 5,000 but only four of us showed up"

Hey friends. So disclaimer. We have some new technology guidelines that I wanted to make you aware of. I will be deactivating my old facebook for now and creating a new one to only use with people here in England. So bye bye for now on Facebook. Also, I only have 90 minutes to email home each Monday now. So that means this weekly email is about to get a lot shorter. That being said, this week: So we had some really great ups and some really low downs this week. First the downs: So a friend of ours we have been working with was planning on getting baptised this weekend. Given some circumstances, he is now going to be waiting until December. There are a lot of details I will not get into but the important thing is we are still really close with him and are going to keep seeing him. We are just going to do everything we can to make sure that nothing derails him from his desire to be baptised between now and December. Another thing is that this week has just been draining. Hon...