Week 71: So that was the new year
Salutations everybody. Sorry I have had some sporadic and spasmodic emails over the last few weeks, but I am back to a bit of normalcy today. I will warn you that next week we are having a mission gathering in London, so if my emails are not as great, you know why. What a year it's been. If you look back at my first email from this year, you'll find I named it after a brilliant song by Death Cab for Cutie. Well, that "near year" has gone from "is" to "was". I cannot believe that time has flown so quickly. I thought I would totally copy Elder Burton and give you a bit of a recap of the year: -I had three areas: Holsworthy (a.k.a. the entirety of north Devon), Oxford (the promised land), and the Isle of Wight (an island that is part of a bigger island) -I saw three great companions go home, including my one and only trainer Elder Lopiano, the great Elder Man (catch them both at BYU-I), and Elder Moorcroft, who's lovin life back ion the...