Week 35: "We were in meetings this whole week and we missed summer" Elder Burton

Wow this week has flown by and I can't believe that the week is gone but here we go. Last Wednesday we actually didn't go to the museum but instead had a picnic with cinnamon rolls because it was a fantastic day outside. Thursday was zone conference! In this mission we just have a massive missionary pow wow every 6 weeks and this was my first time going to the one that happens out here in the eastern part of the mission. Its weird because our missiom president goes home in 9 weeks , which mean the mission changes in 9 weeks and that means that I'll be in a new mission! It was weird to think about how fast time has gone. Elder Burton and I hit our 8 month mark on Monday . I can't believe I'm 1/3 of the way done with my mission. It feels like I've been put here for just a month but it also feels like it's been my whole life. My sense of time and it's passing has become massively distorted. Oh well. But, in honour of hitting the one third mark, I...