Week 3: This is the Land that Inspired Lord of the Rings so of Course it's Beautiful

Hello everyone! So this past week would have been my last one in the MTC, however, all the mission presidents in Europe (including mine) are in a conference in Portugal, so today is my last p day in the MTC. This means that if you were planning on sending me any letters or mail, don't! Not because I don't want it but because I'll have a new address! For now, you can send it to the address below: (UPDATE: DO NOT SEND TO BELOW ADDRESS)

The London Temple, West Park Road
Newchapel, Surrey
England RH7 6NB
United Kingdom

This week has been pretty great. We are in classes all of the time so that's how most of my day is occupied. However, we also are blessed with great opportunities to practice teaching in very real settings, as well as opportunities to learn about this beautiful country I am serving in. One of those opportunities took place last Thursday. We went around Preston, England to visit the sites where missionaries for the lds church first came over 150 years ago. It was amazing to stand in the same places and learn about the thousands of individuals who converted to the lds faith in England. These souls jump started the early lds church and, because of their sacrifices, helped build the church into what it is today: a worldwide religion with it's members devoted to loving Christ and serving all God's children. I have attached a screenshot of the many pictures I took because it was such an eventful trip. 

The more time I spend in England, the more I realize how much it reminds me of home. The rolling hills, the lush greens that blanket the landscape, the rivers that run through the English countryside, the rich pride in the heritage of those who came before you, all the places that are namesake for the many towns and villages near where I grew up; each of these things combine in such a way that makes me feel as if I never left home. Which I guess is a good thing. 

We leave for London on Tuesday morning of next week. It will be a long journey (at least 6 hours by bus) but it is one that I look forward to with mixed emotions. The thought of leaving the walls of the MTC is freeing but scary, as the world is very real and unforgiving. I love the people here, especially my district, and to think I have to bid them farewell in a few short days is saddening. Yet I am excited to get out into the world of England London South. I am excited to meet new people and grow my testi only and conversion to the Lord Jesus Christ. I am learning more about faith daily. It is something that eludes us if we try to hard. It is something abandons us if we don't try hard enough. However, it never fails us. I believe that. I am coming to know that. Life is full of events that shape us into distinct beings. God knows us and has had a part in the shaping of our lives. He wants to refine us. Trials and challenges are how He does this. I may not understand why I face certain trials, but I lean and am leaning to lean on Christ and my faith in Him when these trials come. We all can do this. Every one of us. For the Atonement of Jesus Christ is for all of us. 

Companion Comic: okay so this wasn't my companion but it counts because he lives in the same room as me. On Thursday night, right at 10:30, when we are supposed to have light out, Elder Lawson dropped his brand new bottle of cologne. Made of glass. The smell envolped our room and vestiges still remain. We had a good laugh though. I think it's because we were possibly a little insane from the fumes.

British word of the week: pudding - you don't have dessert here you have pudding. Dessert does not exist. Also, cake is a type of pudding. And yorkshire pudding is not a dessert pudding. It's like the chicken pot pie of England. 

British food of the week: ketchup - the ketchup is too sweet. This is food of the week because I miss American ketchup, not because it tastes good. 

Scripture of the week: Enos 1:1-12

I love you all. I love getting your emails. Please continue to send them. They help me remember who I have rooting for me and they always make my day. 

Elder McKinley  


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