Week 5: There are so many sheep here

Hello from Holsworthy everyone! 
This week was my first full week in the field and let's just say it was an experience. I'll share some details, both spiritual and temporal, but first I wanted to start by sharing my love for you. I love you all so dearly and thank you for your support. I wanted to start off by sharing an experience. The other day this week, honestly speaking, I was having a rough day. I was having a hard time trying smile through the rejection we often face and continue forward with hope. I then remembered how many people around the world were praying for me. The thought comforted me and I prayed and asked God to help me really feel of those prayers. I did. They carried me and supported me through the rest of the day. You are all amazing and wonderfully caring individuals and I know, regardless of your faith or believe in God, that I can feel your support and it makes a difference. It really does. 

This week was my first full week in the field. I have talked to so many people, heard so many people say they werent interested, have been called an assortment of names, none too demeaning, the funniest being the "goon squad", have taught someone an actual lesson about our faith, and have met some of the kindest members of the LDS church I have ever met. 

I have been adjusting to the English weather, which is basically always sad :-) no, but it is very dreary and we've been blessed with pockets of suncpshine throughout the week, which has made life more enjoyable. I have met some very kind people. The members here are small in number but strong in faith. They don't have an actual chapel to meet in, they meet in a village hall, but they still come out to church nonetheless. We are doing everything we can to support the efforts of the members to grow the congregation. I feel as though I was sent here to help them grow and I am humbled to have the opportunity to do so. 

We are currently looking to let a new flat because since the congregation moved to the village hall, they've only been there for about a month, that's about 30 minutes away. We basically drive 30 minutes in the morning to go talk to people in the town square of holsworthy, and then drive 30 minutes home at might. And we only have about 3 weeks to find one or we'll have to wait another 2 months. So wish us luck. 

General conference is this weekend! This is where leaders of the LDS church basically give TED talks about family, scriptures, and other spiritual things. These talks are so good! They come from really wise individuals who are servants and mouthpieces of God. You should check it out! It's all streamed online as well as on BYU TV. Check out lds.org this weekend though! Seriously, it's amazing stuff.

I did have a pasty today. There good! Still a little bland but that English food for you. Also it's pronounced pahstee. Don't say it the other way. Apparently it's not a very nice word. 

Church this past Sunday was lovely. As I said, the congregation is small but loving. They remind me of my old congregation in Burkeville, Va.  I was asked to talk about 20 minutes before the service, and I did so gladly. It went well! The members here know me now and they all told me they enjoyed my talk, so we be got a good relationship, which makes all the difference in missionary work. 

Companion comic: so today's comic is actually about me. We had one roll of toilet paper left and we couldn't go to the store until today so we were being conservative with it. Then I advice tally kicked the toilet paper stand and the roll fell in the toilet. So yeah. That was fun.  

British food of the week: squash - they don't have juice here, they have squash. What you do is you pour this super concentrated juice looking stuff called squash into a glass full of water to dilute it. And there you have it. Squash. Do not drink it in its pure form. It is extremely powerful. And strong. And gross. 

British word of the week: dodgy - the British equivalent of sketchy, like man that alleyway looks pretty dodgy. 

Scripture of the week: 1 Nephi 8:33 (read it and if you have any questions give me shout and I'll answer them as best I can) 

I almost forgot. We're a Facebook mission! I made a new one so I wouldn't have to change anything with the old one. Just search Finnegan McKinley and you'll find it! I'll occasionally post uplifting messages and things about my faith. 

I love you all dearly and I love my God in heaven and my Savior Jesus Christ as well. Through Them all things are possible. 

Thank you for you for the emails! They make my day. Keep sending them! Until next time,

Elder McKinley 

1) a church sign that my companion and I really liked
2) cows
3) beautiful town in my area called Launceston 

PS-I forgot to mention a miracle! Sunday we had a goal of try I to find 3 new people to teach. We prayed so much that day and knocked so many doors. We were getting ready to go home with only 2 new people scheduled to teach but we felt that we should knock one more door. AND WE FOUND ONE MORE PERSON! It really was a blessing. Anyways, I wanted to share some of the good that's happening here. Love you all,

Elder McKinley 


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