Week 23: Elder Moorcroft Keeps Leaving His Hat Places

Hello everybody! Welcome to another weekly update from yours truly, Elder McKinley. I don't have a massive amount of time today because we are pickleballin it up in Exeter today. 

This week has been really good. We had some fun meetings in Exeter and Plymouth (they are really cool cities, give them a google). It's always good to see other missionaries. 

We had the opportunity to teach one of best 9 year old superstars ever, Mae, twice this week. She is loving church and she came with her mom and her little sister this week as well! The biggest miracle of the week was when someone we've been working with for about 3 months now called us and asked us for a ride to church! Usually we are the ones who call her and offer her a ride! She's a nice lady and she has wanted to come to church for a while but so many things have gotten in the way of this over the past 3 months. Not only did she come, but she brought her daughter and two grandchildren! They are all eager to learn and they have a lot of questions. It's amazing. I love it. I'm so excited to be answering questions and helping people learn. 

We had exchange with the missionaries in Plymouth this week as well. It was a party. We played basketball with some of the young single adults on Monday night and I still cannot play basketball any better than I could. We then played chair football the next morning for exercise and again, I am what you would call "average". But hey I'll take what I can get. I was with Elder Roper, who is from Utah and is really good friends with people I met at BYU (Sarah and Brooke (if you ever see this)). It's a small world. Anyways he's a good guy. We had a good time. I know that this email is devoid of my usually poetic flow and eloquent phrasing, but, as we all know, physical activity is not my strong suit and it takes me a bit to recover :-)

British Word of the Week: bruv- slang for brother, used like mate 

British Food of the Week: Custard Creams - a cookie with a sweet filling; like an oreo but rectangular 

Companion Comic: Elder Moorcroft wore a tie to church on Sunday that everyone but two people told him to either bin or burn 

Scripture of the Week: 3 Nephi 6:13 Sometimes we have to take the railings from people, whether they be close to us or not. If we remain humble and penitent, God will support us.

This week is Sawyer's birthday. I can't believe it's his second one in heaven. As a present to him, I ask that everybody do something hilariously fun this Saturday. Thank you to all of you who continue to support my family following his loss. My faith has carried my through this, along with my family (friends included, you're basically family). I'm so privileged to be sharing it with the people of England. 

I love you all, thank you so much for your love and support. Thank you for your prayers, emails, letters, emails that you will send me after reading this one  (wink wink nod nod), and just for your love. Sorry again that it's so short. 

Aside: pickle ball is amazing 

The only picture I have is this one of us post pickle ball. Next week will be better :-P

Elder Finnegan McKinley
England London South Mission 


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