Week 32: Tight squeeze, cool breeze, now you've got the chills

My dad and mom are the only ones who will get this subject line but it explains the car ride down to the temple very well haha.

So, I want it to be made known that I do, in fact, care about the Oxford comma. That's because I am now serving in Oxford! I received a call Saturday asking if I would go to Oxford and be the district leader there. I happily said yes. I'm so excited to be here. There are six missionaries in this area, two congregations, a proper chapel, and it's Oxford! It's a place I've dreamed of and I'm humbled the Lord is allowing me to serve the people here. 

However, leaving Holsworthy was tough. It's been my home for the last 6 and a half months. I've grown to love the people there and they will always have a place in my heart. As I said goodbye to so many people there, tears filled my eyes on more than one occasion. I'm just grateful I got to serve there for the time I did. The Lord knew that there were things I needed to learn there that I couldn't learn anywhere else. I'm grateful to now take the things I've learned and apply them to working here in Oxford. 

This week was actually ridiculous. Thursday was fairly regular. We had some appointments that cancelled and some that didn't. We got fish and chips from a van that parks in a small village from 5-7pm on Thursday evenings #nothingfishyaboutthat

Friday was spent running around trying to plan out week, find people to teach, drop off wood, and other missionary duties. 

Saturday we got the call that we were moving and so all our plans changed to packing up everything and getting ready for general conference. It was amazing! I loved being able to sustain Russell M. Nelson as the new prophet. I know he's the Lord's mouthpiece on the earth today. 

Sunday was spent at the Exeter Chapel. We watched 6 hours of conference and I loved every bit of it. We also had Easter dinner with the other missionaries that were there. It was a blast. Also, a temple in Richmond? I'm so excited. I've been dreaming of this for years. Temples are holy places of worship for Mormons, where we do work for our ancestors and receive guidance on how to come closer to God. Soon there will be one an hour or less from my house! Ahahahahaha! Also, let it be known that for dinner we had: roast lamb, green beans, potatoes, fruit salad, rice, cheesecake brownies and milk tart. Whos says missionaries can't cook. 

Monday was spent finishing packing, repacking, cleaning, and saying goodbye. Like I said, so many people I love remain in Holsworthy. It was hard to say goodbye. But the beautiful thing about this mortal probation is that we part paths for now with those we love, but those paths will cross again, if not in this life, the one hereafter. I thank God every day for that.

Now yesterday was absolutely ridiculous. First up, some stats:
-12+ hours of travel
-32 missionaries seen
-9 out of 9 zones visited
-15 minutes for dinner
-first train ride in the UK 
-first tube ride in the UK and 
-2 strangers telling me I'd be fine (I wasn't stressed but I must have looked like i was haha)

It was an insane day and I loved it but I'm also glad it's over. I was able to be companions with the illustrious Elder Rhee for the space of 5 hours. I got to se many missionary friends. I got to go on the grounds of the London temple. And now I'm in Oxford! It was just an amazing day full of excitement and anticipation. And now here I am, sitting in my flat in a place called Cowley, getting ready to do some shopping and then head into Oxford. It feels weird to think that it's all happened so fast. I'm just so excited for these next few weeks here. 

British food of the week: Cadbury chocolate - Easter was brilliant 

British Word of the week: *it's a phrase this time* like chalk and cheese - it's like the phrase apples and oranges. "Those two are like chalk and cheese"

Scripture of the Week: General Conference. Really though. We believe that we have modern day scripture in the form of the guidance and counsel given to us at general conference from church leaders. There were so many talks that I loved so many thighs that spoke to my heart. Please, just check out a little portion. It was amazing: lds.org 

Companion Comic: so there's an elder bluth in the mission now. There's always money in the banana stand. Nuff said 

My new companion is elder Burton from Idaho. He's super chill. We're gonna have a good time and work hard. 

I love you all. The Lord is with us in this work. He is risen. He is there for us. Thanks for your love, prayers, and support,

Elder Finnegan McKinley
England London South Mission (for now...)   

My new address is:
Flat 2 Ceder Court 
Holsworthy youth, Smith goodbyes, last suppers


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