Week 61: "I'll be frank with you"

o, in full disclosure, I have gone through my inbox and have been deleting things to make space for photos in Google photos and may have accidentally deleted old emails that I meant to respond to. So if you responded to my group email last week and I have not responded to you yet, that is probably what happened. It's hard to keep track ðŸ˜… Also, I think I am on week 61, but if not, please correct me haha.

Anyways, welcome! This email might be just a bit shorter because we have a lot we need to do today. We are needed in london tonight because, drumroll please...ELDER BREWSTER IS GOING TO LONDON! I am so excited for him. He will be serving where the Westminster abbey, buckingham palace and big ben are so I am only a little bit jealous. I am sad to see him go. In homage to him, here is a poem:

the power of friendship
though underrated 
is truly built on the foundation
of people like warren brewster

okay sappy stuff aside, I know you are all dying to know who my new companion is. Well, so am I. That's because I'M TRAINING! Basically, I will be getting a companion who is straight from the missionary training centre and I will be showing him the ropes and making sure he does not die. So I am pretty excited and a little nervous to say the least. However, this means that I will be on the isle of wight for another two transfers which means I will be here for Christmas! It is crazy to think that 2018 is over in almost two months but hey time flies when you are having fun. Also, as of tomorrow, I have been on my mission for 14 months. Weird. Stuff.

Anyways this week was crazy busy and involved us doing a lot of things. Honestly, not much is worth going into. I will say that President Checketts actually called me and told me on Thursday that I was going to be training but I had to keep it a secret until yesterday. That's where the title of the email comes from haha. After he said that he told me I'd be training so long as I felt I would be mobile enough after my surgery. I told him yes :-) also any advice from my missionary friends about training would be appreciated :-)

British word of the week: faffing - it's like messing around; "quit faffing around and get back to work"

British food of the week: dip dab - think fun dip but lemon and raspberry but less sugary

Companion Comic: so we were playing volleyball at the chapel and someone may or ma

Scripture of the week: Mosiah 15:25

So, many of you may know, many of you may not know, but the anniversary of my brother's passing is on sunday. So, in honour of him, do something crazy this week. Be strong. Be outstanding. Be you. Do it this week and send me pictures and stories. I testify that I know I will see him again because God is merciful and loving and has provided a way through His Son Jesus Christ for this to be accomplished. I've gotta run, but I love you all so much. Thank you for supporting me :-) it makes all the difference. 


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