Week 71: So that was the new year

Salutations everybody. Sorry I have had some sporadic and spasmodic emails over the last few weeks, but I am back to a bit of normalcy today. I will warn you that next week we are having a mission gathering in London, so if my emails are not as great, you know why.

What a year it's been. If you look back at my first email from this year, you'll find I named it after a brilliant song by Death Cab for Cutie. Well, that "near year" has gone from "is" to "was". I cannot believe that time has flown so quickly. I thought I would totally copy Elder Burton and give you a bit of a recap of the year:
-I had three areas: Holsworthy (a.k.a. the entirety of north Devon), Oxford (the promised land), and the Isle of Wight (an island that is part of a bigger island)
-I saw three great companions go home, including my one and only trainer Elder Lopiano, the great Elder Man (catch them both at BYU-I), and Elder Moorcroft, who's lovin life back ion the land down under
-I drove over 5,000 miles
-I've taken over 50 ferrries
-Talked to hundreds of people
-Knocked on more doors worth counting
-Almost got beat up on New year's day last year (I didn't tell anyone that story but it's been a year so I thought we're far enough away from that for any of you to stress about it)
-Saw my mission disappear
-Sent home so many missionaries that I love and wish were still in the mission
-Had two companions at one time (yes it was a handful but it was also fantastic)
-Saw the worst winter England has seen in 30 years
-Saw the hottest summer England has seen in 30 years
-Had my toe cut open x2
-Made life long friends in Oxford (missionary and non-missionary alike)
-Traveled through every single zone of the England London South Mission in a day
-Dragged a broken suitcase through the underground (not doing that ever again)
-Lived with "stereotypical" (his words) Englishman who is also "the biggest nerd ever" (again his words, love that kid)
-Had Thanksgiving dinner x2 and Christmas dinner x2
-Found a toilet on the sidewalk
-Had a man stop me at 9:45 at night on the way home from a conference only to show me he had a penny from america AND stop me three weeks later to sing the beach boys to my Californian companion
-Finished three study journals and three personal journals
-Started training a new missionary #heisstillalive
-Made obstacle courses for plastic jumping frogs with a 63 year old man
-Scraped paint of a load of walls
-I talked in church over ten times
-Cleaned multiple beaches
-Made memories to last a lifetime

The stories I can tell are endless. I wish that you could see all of it. I wish you could see what I have seen, feel what I have felt, and do what I have done. I have grown so much this year, I think more that any other year in my life. I have cried on many occasions. I laughed harder than I thought possible. I truly cannot articulate the change that has taken place within me. I do not know what more to say. I think you will just have to wait until we can sit down with each other in person. England, this land, the beautiful country, is really where I have found God. I have come to see His goodness, His mercy, His love, His grace, and His power as I have been in the service of my fellowmen, proclaiming His love for them. I testify that Christ lives. He is our older brother. He knows you and what you are going through. He has sustained me and will sustain you, now and forever.

Tomorrow begins a new year. Thanks for reading. Thanks for praying for me, for my family. Tomorrow begins the year I finish my mission. I have eight more months left and I am going to make them count. 

Companion Comic: So we had a zone wide service project this week and I was chatting with Elder Burton about something involving air travel. He said something then he referred to the airport as the "plane station". Elder Brown and I have not been letting him live it down haha. 

Scripture of the Week: Helaman Chapter 12 - this is a lament chapter, but I think it is good to always evaluate where we are on our path in life and this chapter helps me do it.

British Food of the Week: Stuffing - so the only different thing they do here is that they roll the stuffing into balls. It is brilliant.

British Word of the Week: i can't remember if i have done this one but "x" -  usually people put it at the end of every message they send; it can even be up to three xs. "Thanks have a lovely night xxx" 

I am so excited for the year ahead and cannot wait to see what the Lord has in store for me. Talk to you next year!


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