Week 88: we watched remember the titans in Portuguese for elders quorum (just a bit of it though)

Bom dia a todos! I hope you are well and have had a great week. Life in London is good. Every day is an adventure and so much happens. I am coming to love this city and the people I meet each day. Speaking Portuguese had it's challenges but the miracles we've seen alongside the people we have met make it all worthwhile. 

This week was the first one we've had this transfer where we could really focus solely on our area. We were able to get out and find some people to teach, and I have high hopes for their future. We also taught this super cool guy named Rodrigo and he only speaks Portuguese! We were at the Hyde Park c hapel and luckily an elder from another area walked in with his companion and he was able to help us teach. Most of the time, since we don't fully speak Portuguese, we end up showing a video about the restoration that has been translated in Portuguese.  I have now seen the video "ask of God" in Portuguese about 10 times haha. It's really fantastic though. There's a special spirit that accompanies any time someone is taught the gospel in their own tongue. 

We had interviews this last week and I'm so grateful for my mission President. I trust him and he trusts me. I've been thinking a lot about trust this week. The amount of trust that Elder Klocke and I have for each other is what drives a lot of our effectiveness. When I'm working on a project, I trust that he is using time wisely and vice versa. I value that trust immensely. I also trust that the actions he takes are in line with furthering our success in our assignment, specifically with serving the Lord. The trust my mission President has for me bolsters my confidence and my commitment, because I know that he expects me to give it my all in whatever I'm asked to do, and I honour that trust immensely. The biggest trust that humbles me is the trust the Lord has given me. I feel His trust as I go about on His errand, serving people as He would, doing the work He would do, and striving to become like Him. It's humbling and motivating. I am so grateful for Him and the chance I have to be His hands in this way for a season. 

Companion Comic: we had service but we didn't have time to change clothes for it (see photo below)

Scripture of the Week: alma 37:46

Food of the week: pão de queijo - cheesy bread ; we stopped in a Brazilian store during a rainstorm this week and we found the flour to make Brazilian cheesy bread.  Elder Klocke has just about mastered it. 

British word of the week: oyster - it's the name of the top up card you get for underground travel

I am doing really well. I love being a missionary and serving God each day. I hope you all have an amazing week!


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