Week 90: Uau

Yep, that's how you spell wow in Portuguese. Word of the week right there.

Salutations everyone. Honestly, this week has been very much of the same kind of stuff I do every week. Here are some of the highlights. Wait. Before I share the highlights, I want you to know that I have contemplated not writing a weekly email anymore. The time on my preparation day gets shorter and shorter and my desire to write an email about my week decreases bit by bit. However, I am on number 90. I feel like I need to stick it out to the end. I know what you're saying: "but Elder McKinley, sunk costs are irrelevant!" well, I never really liked economics anyways so I shall carry on. 

- I had exchange with Elder Bleyl. He also happens to be from Virginia, the other side of Richmond to be precis. He is pretty cool. We did this thing called Good Gym which involves going on a run, doing a service project, and then running back to where you started. It was terrible in the moment, but really rewarding after the fact. It was a helpful reminder that while I enjoy being active, running and working out is not the way I plan on continuing my fitness habits after my mission. 
- We taught three lessons in portuguese this week. I have a testimony that God qualifies whom He calls. We had heaven's help as we tried to communicate and eventually taguth what we came to teach. 
- I called my mom for Mother's Day! I can call her weekly now, but still, she deserves a shout out regardless (as do all the other mothers out there)
- I ate salad #healthy

Companion Comic: for the last week, we have been piling up the recycling in our flat in this bag, and the rule has been that if you knock it over or the item you place on the pile falls, you have to take out the recycling. Finally, after a week of eco-friendly jenga, I caved last night and neatly packed it all up to go out to bins. We went to put it all in recycling this morning and OUR BUILDING DOES NOT EVEN RECYCLE :-( #ripplanetearth it was still fun though

Scripture of the Week: Joseph Smith History 1:10-20

Food of the Week: Wasabi - it's an a la carte sushi place. We eat there every monday because it is a five minute walk from the chapel. It reminds me of my time in Oxford @elderman @elderburton

The more I continue in my missionary service, the more I recognise how God has prepared me for each coming day. I see myself growing and learning so much. I see growth in myself when I look back at the last 2 years of my life, and my whole life in general, and compare myself then to myself now. I am so grateful for the friends I have made, the people I have met, the skills I have acquired, the faith I have strengthened, the testimony I have solidified, the Saviour who has carried me, and the future in front of me. Have an amazing week my friends. Remember the Lord is with you.

Elder McKinley


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