Week 93: Eu entendi todas as coisas na Igreja :-)

Bom dia todos! Wow this week was really intense. Let me jump right in with a few updates:

- My portuguese is rapidly improving. I understood everything at church yesterday! I was able to have some good conversations in portuguese as well. It honestly still blows my mind to know that I am learning and speaking portuguese right now, but I feel the Lord strengthening me and helping me learn faster than I would be able to on my own. I am able to carry a pretty detailed conversation with people on the street and talk about all different kinds of things, including the gospel. One of the most interesting things about all of this is praying. I am trying to pray in portuguese once per day. When I am talking on the street and in front of other people, I sometimes forget words or do not remember how to say a specific thing. However, when I pray, I feel like the Lord helps me remember what I need to say and how to say it. I am so humbled by the help He has given me and the time I am spending speaking this language with these amazing people here in London.
- We had 3 zone conference trainings this week. #shattered #dataprivacy
- Elder Coelho and did not have as much time as we wanted to work on finding people to teach. It got towards the end of the week and we were out and about talking to everyone we could but there seemed to be no one that spoke portuguese. We finally stopped and said a prayer (in portuguese) and told God that we had faith that He could lead us to people who would receive our message. Then, not even 30 seconds after our prayer, we met this really cool couple who wanted to learn more about The Book of Mormon! and five minutes after that, we met another couple! One of the ladies we talked to even said "I am so intrigued by this. I really want to learn more!" She almost got a bit teary when we told her we wanted to give her a copy for her to keep. It warmed my heart and strengthened my testimony that God really does hear and answer the prayers of His children.
- Our friend is preparing for baptism and he's doing really well. He fed us coxinhas :-) he rally loved church and he is really connecting with The Book of Mormon, the Church, and most importantly, Jesus Christ. 

Food of the week: passion fruit mousse - wow we had it yesterday at this Brazilian family's house and I could easily eat that every day for the rest of my life. 

Word of the week: churrasco - barbeque 

Scripture of the Week: Moroni 7:16

Companion Comic: "I'm not the funniest person in the world" - Elder Coelho. Eh, we'll see if he does something funny next week haha 

I am doing so well and really loving serving the Lord here in London. I hope you have an amazing week!


Elder shih is going home:-(
One big happy family 
I didn't try them. But if they were cheaper I would. 
Celebratory guarana 


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